Wednesday, 25 November 2020


It's 5am
And you're hungry
And you've somehow managed to stay up this late again
And you just want to sleep
You just desperately want to sleep
But your stomach hurts and no matter how much you lie there and no matter how much you try to ignore it there's no way you're getting to sleep
So you're hungry
And you need to eat
But eating is hard.
What is there to eat?
Need to cook a whole meal or just have toast again but you've eaten toast twice a day every day for a week and you're way past being sick of it and even though you know you're going to just eat it eventually you're trying to put it off as long as possible and
Why does being hungry hurt
Why can't you sleep
You pick up your phone
Scroll through discord
Try to build up the effort to make something
Write a poem
Text a friend
You're still hungry
You're still tired
It still hurts

Thursday, 27 August 2020


I’m obsessed with
the tactile sensations, the aesthetic oddities
that mark me as new at this.

The feeling of it
beneath my arm, just below
the armpit, skin
raised a little, firm.

Reaching forward, my body pressed together
flesh, peninsulate

Pressing my chin down and
Finding purchase and 
comfort and 

The sight of it
looking to my side and seeing them
sticking out, holding my attention
standing still for minutes on end

Peering down, or in a mirror
learning my different angles
the different shapes I make
what my body can do

I wonder when the fascination might end
or if it might just last forever
the uniqueness of experience, stretched to bursting

Friday, 31 July 2020

The Longest Day

At dawn, on the longest day
When all the world begins to stir
And Rooster announces his fanfare
Bright light rushes to fill the leys
Then a crackling of power in the air

The wind blows just ever kinder
The rain just a tad more soft
And the trees hold their leaves aloft
Songbird sings her sweet reminder
And the lasses grin, working the croft

For the birds cry strong on the rolling moor
Telling days of the lost, ancient lore
Ah yes, there was magic in the land before
And now, at last, it's come once more

Must we pity the dead?

Must we pity the dead?

must we envy them?

a woman lies awake at night

brittle cold on a bed of stone 

waiting waiting and

the stars shine down upon her

I sing a dream to the pit some nights

It knows death, knows horror

and i ask it each night

Must we fear death?

and it rumbles, low, in answer

looking up at the stars I watch them die

watch flares become supernova

dust flies through the thick of night

through the dead of night

like a ghost

laying a trail made of light

Wednesday, 29 July 2020


cw: suicide

i spent dawn awake

lying in bed thinking of you

astrobrite playing on my shitty,

crappy phone speakers

    tinny, scratching


        scott cortez makes me wanna cry

i’ll tell you one day, i’m sure

sitting on my window sill on the third floor

wondering if it opens wide

enough for me to squeeze through

how it’ll feel when i hit the floor

how long it’ll take for me to die 

            for the gardeners to find my body

or some unlucky undergrad walking home

you’ll never know how often i’ve stopped

over these metal railings and stared

    into the depths

    and wanted to climb over and let

    this sack of meat hit the floor

    blood on steel

    supercrush my soul

dawn comes like a potent doom

    wind, flow, mood low

    the world’s scream

i’ll survive this night

    and the next

        and the next

but i’ll never escape

        deep wounds don’t heal

Thursday, 2 July 2020


I'm wearing a jumper
The shoulder pulled, just slightly down
And my sleeves are at my elbows and
A grin, in just the right way
A smirk, corner of my mouth raised
Yeah. It just feels right.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

God is a Lichen

Feel it grow along you
O beast of bark and leaf
Feel yourself be coated
Cloaked and draped 
Creeping, creeping
Creeping divine

Feel it grow along you
O you bastion of grit and stone
Feel it pick at your details 
Grasping your sacred secrets
Knowing, knowing
Knowing divine

Feel it grow along you
O great tower of brick and flesh
Feel it share your grandeur
Covering your walls
Growing, growing
Growing divine 

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Soul Eaters

Oh pit. 
I feel your warmth around me
as I lie here so afraid
all curled up in your shadow. 

They came for me, pit
with pitchforks and knives and
words that bite. 
Soul eaters. 

Am I a monster, pit? 
I feel that sometimes - 
the way my body just doesn't... 
just refuses to be what they say
is morally good. 
Am I evil just for existing, pit? 

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Eddington In The Dark

The path is long, 
such that I can't see the end. 
It makes me scared, 
but also.. giddy, excited,
I'm glad you're here with me. 

It's inset with a thousand dim stars
that light the way and guide my steps. 
Though for all their glow, 
they sure don't make the cyclists 
see us any clearer. 
They don't steal the beauty of the pitch
black field either. 

My favourite part is after the turn
and we come to look upon the
distant suburb itself, all glowing
in its concrete horror. 
And to the south, 
cranes shine in crimson bright. 

And I love, 
the feel of the gravel beneath my feet
the chill of cold autumn air 
a shared joke, quick and snappy. 
We're all too cold and damp and tired to chat. 

And I love, 
the wilderness to our sides 
protected for science and for joy;
the wood we can't enter 
and the pond downhill
where ducks and geese conspire 
in the water reeds. 

And I love, 
the neon rings that hang in the air 
next to the U-bus we never take
(but always want to) 
and the cyberpunk hall. 
The only things I like in this dreadful town. 

And after we trudge there, 
fill our bags with sweets and beer and
food for half a week, at a stretch,
it's time to trudge back
and I love every second of it. 

Monday, 18 May 2020

King's Parade Of A Rainy Morning

It's a rainy day
and I'm feeling miserable. 
Wrapped up in my thin waterproof
and my thick college jumper. 
I can barely see through 
the droplets on my glasses. 
I don't want to go to lectures, 
but then, I never do. 
"Let's skip out," I say 
"and go have breakfast at King's", 
looking up at the old stone walls
and untouched grass
as we dawdle past. 
"Yes, let's," you say, with a grin
and then we keep on walking 
and turn down Bene't Street, away. 

Saturday, 16 May 2020

The Lake On Mount Pleasant

How did it get there? 
A pool, not a puddle - 
metres wide, too much
to jump. 
We had to navigate around and
be splashed by
the passing cars uncaring. 
Why does it stay? 
Oh, how odd. 
I do love it, though. 

Friday, 15 May 2020

A Love Poem

I want to tell you I love you. 
I want to say it over and over
I love you, I love you, I love you. 
Til I'm crying. Overflown.

But you wouldn't understand. 
Conjured images of 
intimacy and abandon. 
As if I've dedicated 
Myself to you. 
But it's not - 
I don't want that.

I have all these feelings 
So big and so much. 
How I appreciate you and 
How you brighten my day and
Make me laugh and smile and
Make me feel alright again. 

And I don't have the words for that. 
I was never taught them. 
All these familiar trappings 
I find myself stuck within;
Misleading and deceiving 
They twist my words. 
Make it something it's not. 

These aesthetics, they've weasled
Inside my mind, made me obsessed. 
Made it hard to see and express
The way I am, 
Outside the paradigm. 
And yet, 

I love you, 
So much and
Thank you...
Thank you for being there
And for being my friend. 
It was all I ever needed. 

A Walking Sonnet

The lake so wide upon the mount's short peak
and hill, or mound; that ancient strength long spent
where lords once sat, to rule on tallest seat
unseen; us lost to talk, in our descent. 

Or bridge, the Cam to cross, at mountain's end
Mary's old scholar Lodge; or its named way. 
Walking high above boats that punters tend
To take tourists along the town's fairways  

The passage of two names, to widen out 
Cobble and stone; a grandeur that I hate. 
That place, I try always to mess about;
Brighten the mood, then quicken, don't be late. 

O Duroliponte, your concrete heart
These bare stone steps, all your broken old parts. 

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Each And Every Star

Oh, my dear, my darling
Come close, I'll keep you safe. 
No need to fear. 
You've spent too many sleepless nights 
Wondering what's there and what's next 
The whole world bundled up tight 
Close to bursting, packed 
Inside that head of yours. 
Come here, come close
I'll keep you warm;
A secure embrace. 

There's so much out there, little one.
More than any of us can comprehend. 
But you're young, aren't you 
You try anyway, destined to fail. 
Oh, I've been there child 
I know your pain, I know
This awful loss you feel. 
There's no control for us I fear, 
Trapped in the tide coming in and going out 

So let me tell you a secret. 
We fear it all cause there's too much to know
So, so much, it's not worth trying to grasp it all;
But you can reach out, you can feel some. 
Hold a flower, feel the river flowing past
Calm, detached, full of wonder
That's the world too.
And it's okay to be afraid;
And it's okay to seek shelter
From such a great and terrible storm. 

The storm is part of us, I think. 
Part of our souls, if those exist. 
I can feel it, in my heart and in my bones. 
The storm comes - the rain of anguish, 
Thundering shouts and wicked lightning strikes
And I can feel it in me;
Deep, reflected. 
Like all this suffering and fear, 
All a part of me too. 

And when I was a little older than you,
I slipped down to the sea
at the mouth of a great river
to watch the waves wash against 
the sand and stone and concrete;
Feel its coolness against
The tips of my fingers - 
So tiny against the backdrop of all. 

Oh, I've seen waves so tall they crest sea walls, 
Ten metres or more, pushing over, 
Covering the land with water, 
Salt and air - streets filled with sea. 
The ocean is so great and vast 
And so weak and small as to slip 
Between my fingers on a hot summer day, 
When no tide can stop me. 

I've lived by seas and by rivers 
By ancient fens and ancient flows 
Water is all I - all you - are. 
What I drink and what I eat
And what I sweat and piss and breathe. 
Part of this system so old, so timeless. 

And the Earth, well, she precedes us all. 
Her tides and molten heart
And Her trees and beasts that
Walk and eat and build. 
And before Her, the stars, 
Older than we can imagine. 
The Earth in all Her majesty, 
Just scattered parts of once great wholes;
It, like us all, children of the cosmos. 
Nothing but star stuff. 

And you feel it, right? 
Feel the beingness in your heart - 
Aching, consuming, twisting. 
It comforts me, anyway. 
When all I've said and done is past 
When the reaper comes all dressed in black 
And holds my hand, so kind
To walk, passing into the abyss 
Leaving but my being behind. 
That precious thing;
To feed the worms and feed the sun
Once before and now again, dust - 
Fragments of the universe. 
And that's me out there, part of me
And what comes next, that's me too. 
There, shining so bright, millenia away;
All of them, that's me - and you
Each and every star. 

Oh child, 
See the rain out the window,
Listen to its sounds. 
I'll rock you to sleep, don't fret. 
You're safe, secure. 
Nothing can hurt you here. 

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Last Breath (redux)

As fists upon a bed of grass,
Fell heaven's hateful shards of glass;
Anguished cries and flashes so bright 
(tremble trees in terrible fright). 
A hunter crouched - bright blade drawn out, 
And with it cut, precise, no doubt. 

Out first the gut (laid on the ground), 
The heart and flesh making no sound. 
Spear the lung to mirror disgust, 
Then roast upon this flame he's struck
Only to cry at least defeat 
As cold draws out each breath of heat. 
Then forced within this cloak of skin
To lie awake, regret his sins
And cast his name into the breeze - 
At last it comes, his death he sees. 

Afraid he goes, the man now conquered 
And the wind blows forth, ever onward. 

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

A Prayer For The Darkness

O deep pit,
Swallow whole the offerings of my soul
That I have laid before you 
O consume me, deep darkness, consume me

O twisted pit, 
Steal fast the secrets I hold and the stories I hide 
And know the vast shadow within me
O consume me, twisted thing, consume me

O wicked pit, 
Corrupt my heart and my mind with your wretched words 
Which sow the seeds of chaos 
O consume me, wicked whisperer, consume me

O hungry pit, 
Devour the food I give, the lost relics and remnants
These most precious parts of myself
O consume me, hungry hollow, consume me

O you ancient, nameless horrors
O deep darkness, swallow me
O twisted thing, steal me 
O wicked whisperer, corrupt me
O hungry hollow, devour me
O creatures of the abyss, consume me all and make me whole

Friday, 10 April 2020


I can feel it
Just beyond my reach
Around the corner
I look about
But it is nowhere to be found

I can feel it pouncing
Nails outstretched
Stabbing in and holding there

I can feel it dragging me down
Pulling down so hard
It wants to bring me down
Reduce me to nothing
I cry out in pain
And no one sees
it there, clawing in further

I scream but I am silent
It feeds thereon
It wants more
Leaving me helpless

I am still
I am calm
I am a storm
I am empty

The Whole World Is Holy

The whole world is holy
Each and every thing
Divinity in every corner
Every nook and every cranny
Filled with the infinite

You can feel it sometimes
leaking through
When the whole world
Seems to glow.
Just moments,
of endless, endless beauty

Under Starry Sky

Under starry sky
Lie on the grass bed calm
And watch the night go by

Lie in comfort my dearest child
Leave your mind free to fly
Take the heavens in full embrace
And do not fear the dark

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Let There Be Light

Soft piano notes, 
The whistle of a friend, 
Harmonica and flute and drums and the distance between us becomes nought. 
We stand here at the edge of a universe 
A star dies. 
We toast marshmallows and we tell stories and we laugh and we cry 
Alone but together in the forest at the end of time. 
The twang of a banjo. 
Then silence. 
And then, 
Sheer immensity 
I am every one and every thing 
Every speck of dust and every star in the sky
Every unturned rock and every trail not taken
I am it all
I am the light that shines 
The darkness that engulfs 
The rivers that run and the grass that grows and the rain that falls and the sands that flow 
I am every word ever spoken, every tear ever cried, every fear and passion and love and hate 
I am the trees and the dirt 
The mountains and the lakes
The deserts and the jungles and the frozen wastes
I am fire and I am flame and I am endless 
I am time and self and I. am. it. all. 
Everything glows
in the brilliance of existence 
and I bask in its glory. 
I let it overwhelm me. 
As everything, 
Every person, creature, stone and star 
Plummet into the vast emptiness of the void
I stand here as the universe dies 
And I am alive. And I am not alone. 
There's something coming, creeping over the horizon. 
And to those that come next
Unto you I give the world

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

A Ranger Rides These Fens Tonight

A ranger rides these fens tonight,
On a task eons old.
They’ve come to flood the land again.
They’ve come to break the world.

The veil of time is thinner here;
So they sail the ancient sea.
Marsh Harrier and Sparrowhawk.
Fen violet, bladderwort, marsh pea.

The Birching House and Manor d'Moor,
Navy scars on ancient soil.
But the land they take is primal land,
And the waters shall end their toil.

And the silver in these ivory halls,
Shall drown, be cast away.
Their palaces left to tired folks,
Our needs their riches pay.

When the waters come, old gods'll rise -
The faeries in the hills.
The straw men and the rusted ploughs,
And the creeping things that kill.

Lost kingdoms buried underfoot,
Shall be revived, shall live again.
And the seekers’ ships from across the sea,
Shall be loved and taken in.

When the waters come and floods rampage,
The ranger will stand back and sigh.
At the ending of the old way,
And the next one drawing nigh.

A ranger rides these fens tonight,
Peddling tales of freedom and peace.
And the people whisper among themselves.
And know it’s our secret to keep.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Knowing But All Unknowable

The ethereal mysts that cloud the unconsciousness
of a world built by human hand
but unreachable by human mind
of awe and wonder of an unreachable construct
both real and unreal
an explication of true joy and of true, truest mis’ry
a lens through which to view the world
to interpret and to feel
ecstasy and sublimity
a deep primordial terror of the unknowableness of our own mind
of the expanse of the world and the limits and the reach of reality herself
personified bounding, boundedness
that reaches, twists and ingrains
twists and is twisted
a timeless melody, harmony, united in song
dissonant yet all consonant
consonant yet all destructive
a great primordial belongingness
unreachable collective
entity beyond space itself
entity, entities, beingness beyond time
together but apart, untouching
unknowing but all seeing
deep twisting, twisted belongingness
to the place of all things
a home, a space, an embedding
with fingers outstretched
meeting in darkness
undaunted while in terror
and in terror of that which here faces
that which we have wrought and
which have wrought us
timeless creation and undyingness 
captured in finite glory
by a mind shared across generations
fraught of danger and of fear
captured yet always escaping
and reaching beyond comprehension
with the unknowable eternity, infinity, reality or not
in twisted shadow