Friday 31 July 2020

The Longest Day

At dawn, on the longest day
When all the world begins to stir
And Rooster announces his fanfare
Bright light rushes to fill the leys
Then a crackling of power in the air

The wind blows just ever kinder
The rain just a tad more soft
And the trees hold their leaves aloft
Songbird sings her sweet reminder
And the lasses grin, working the croft

For the birds cry strong on the rolling moor
Telling days of the lost, ancient lore
Ah yes, there was magic in the land before
And now, at last, it's come once more

Must we pity the dead?

Must we pity the dead?

must we envy them?

a woman lies awake at night

brittle cold on a bed of stone 

waiting waiting and

the stars shine down upon her

I sing a dream to the pit some nights

It knows death, knows horror

and i ask it each night

Must we fear death?

and it rumbles, low, in answer

looking up at the stars I watch them die

watch flares become supernova

dust flies through the thick of night

through the dead of night

like a ghost

laying a trail made of light

Wednesday 29 July 2020


cw: suicide

i spent dawn awake

lying in bed thinking of you

astrobrite playing on my shitty,

crappy phone speakers

    tinny, scratching


        scott cortez makes me wanna cry

i’ll tell you one day, i’m sure

sitting on my window sill on the third floor

wondering if it opens wide

enough for me to squeeze through

how it’ll feel when i hit the floor

how long it’ll take for me to die 

            for the gardeners to find my body

or some unlucky undergrad walking home

you’ll never know how often i’ve stopped

over these metal railings and stared

    into the depths

    and wanted to climb over and let

    this sack of meat hit the floor

    blood on steel

    supercrush my soul

dawn comes like a potent doom

    wind, flow, mood low

    the world’s scream

i’ll survive this night

    and the next

        and the next

but i’ll never escape

        deep wounds don’t heal

Thursday 2 July 2020


I'm wearing a jumper
The shoulder pulled, just slightly down
And my sleeves are at my elbows and
A grin, in just the right way
A smirk, corner of my mouth raised
Yeah. It just feels right.