Tuesday, 31 March 2020

A Ranger Rides These Fens Tonight

A ranger rides these fens tonight,
On a task eons old.
They’ve come to flood the land again.
They’ve come to break the world.

The veil of time is thinner here;
So they sail the ancient sea.
Marsh Harrier and Sparrowhawk.
Fen violet, bladderwort, marsh pea.

The Birching House and Manor d'Moor,
Navy scars on ancient soil.
But the land they take is primal land,
And the waters shall end their toil.

And the silver in these ivory halls,
Shall drown, be cast away.
Their palaces left to tired folks,
Our needs their riches pay.

When the waters come, old gods'll rise -
The faeries in the hills.
The straw men and the rusted ploughs,
And the creeping things that kill.

Lost kingdoms buried underfoot,
Shall be revived, shall live again.
And the seekers’ ships from across the sea,
Shall be loved and taken in.

When the waters come and floods rampage,
The ranger will stand back and sigh.
At the ending of the old way,
And the next one drawing nigh.

A ranger rides these fens tonight,
Peddling tales of freedom and peace.
And the people whisper among themselves.
And know it’s our secret to keep.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Knowing But All Unknowable

The ethereal mysts that cloud the unconsciousness
of a world built by human hand
but unreachable by human mind
of awe and wonder of an unreachable construct
both real and unreal
an explication of true joy and of true, truest mis’ry
a lens through which to view the world
to interpret and to feel
ecstasy and sublimity
a deep primordial terror of the unknowableness of our own mind
of the expanse of the world and the limits and the reach of reality herself
personified bounding, boundedness
that reaches, twists and ingrains
twists and is twisted
a timeless melody, harmony, united in song
dissonant yet all consonant
consonant yet all destructive
a great primordial belongingness
unreachable collective
entity beyond space itself
entity, entities, beingness beyond time
together but apart, untouching
unknowing but all seeing
deep twisting, twisted belongingness
to the place of all things
a home, a space, an embedding
with fingers outstretched
meeting in darkness
undaunted while in terror
and in terror of that which here faces
that which we have wrought and
which have wrought us
timeless creation and undyingness 
captured in finite glory
by a mind shared across generations
fraught of danger and of fear
captured yet always escaping
and reaching beyond comprehension
with the unknowable eternity, infinity, reality or not
in twisted shadow

The World Is Ending

The world is ending.
Fires reign in the skies and
the Earth splits below us and
sends storms fast to kill us.

The world is ending.
And I seek comfort just,
of warm flame, cool rain and crevice in which
to spend my dying days.

The world is ending.

These Fens

Though I am of the sea,
of dockers and sailors of the western shore,
I take now, for time however short,
these eastern fens, as home
and hope that I would be so bless’d
as for them to take me as of theirs